Our Very Own Spot

Monday, October 22, 2007

checking in

Hi all! So I really have no news, but wanted to put up a new post. Maki, when is the wedding? What are the details? Will any old friends say from Colorado get to be invited? Or is it going to be a smallish private affair? Have you planned anything at all, or are you still working out a date. No pressure obviously, but I am curious.

I started a blog for our relatives and far away friends. so if your bored check it out. We are plugging away at a kitchen remodel. Our house is 100+ so this is the biggest project thus far in its renovation. So it is a bit of a record of that progress and of our kids growth. http://thebloyd.blogspot.com/

I can't think of a thing to write about right now... just thinking about you all and wondering what is going on. Wendy, how is life with two? It was a HUGE adjustment for us. It took almost a full year to fully adjust I think. What is going on with everyone else?