Our Very Own Spot

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

About time I suppose

I finally got a new car! I have not yet adjusted to the feeling that my car is actually reliable & will not randomly break down. It has only been a few days though--maybe it will seem normal in a couple of weeks. It is hard to believe that I drove the other car for 14 years--especially since it started having problems many, many years ago. I wish I could post a picture of the new one, but I have refused to join the modern world & do not have a digital camera. My theory is that if I had a camera I would just use it to take numerous pictures of my cats anyway so I seem less "crazy cat lady"-like without one.

I work way too much so I never have anything to report. Well, unless you want to hear about work, I guess. I don't even want to hear about work so I assume no one else does. I keep thinking that I will have something vaguely interesting happen one of these days so I can post something, but it hasn't happened yet so I may have to give up on that dream.

I am so happy that everyone is doing so well!!! I am kind of proud of us.


Blogger Valerie said...

hi Cindy!
congrats on the new car...you failed to mention what kind of car, which honestly I didn't even notice until I mentioned it to Ryan and of course he asked. So what kind and what color?

10:56 AM  

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