Our Very Own Spot

Monday, November 27, 2006

My turn

Okay so I didn't actually dress up, but Ryan dressed up as Woody, Ephraim as Buzz lighter, Salome had two costumes: cowgirl and polar bear baby.

Can't believe it almost December, and I am just now posting these. Thanksgiving was good. My baby Brother Joel (19 yrs old) flew up and stayed with us and my older sister Jill and family came down from Seattle. We cooked together and ate a lot to together. It was really nice and pretty peaceful considering we had 2 babies and 1 preschooler in the house. But who needs sleep anyway?

Now it is time to think about getting ready for Christmas. I really want a simple but special Christmas this year. For some reason all the publicity and hype is really bugging me this year. We already have so much... why do we need more? Sorry, slight deterrence in thought, anyways...I am hoping for some snow when we are in Colorado... we had about 10 minutes of flurries here today... super exciting for Portland. Hopefully we will get to see you all, I know it will go quickly. We are looking at the 27th to 31st in Ft Collins...MAKI GO HOME FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR!!!! (I know it is too much to ask for Wendy but that would be way cool too!) Okay no pressure Maki... just would love to see you... it has been so long. How fun it would be to be together. Okay, so that is all for now! Ciao!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I've moved!

I just moved into an apartment in downtown Denver--for the first time I am living alone (not including Vienna & Toddy since they are cats)--address to follow via email. Lora has moved to Corning, New York to take a job. She starts work tomorrow. Guess we will have to stop being so co-dependent. So far I really like my apartment, but I really hate all the unpacking involved.

I don't have a digital camera so no new apartment photos yet...however, here are Halloween photos instead. The other girls are the Devil--Carleen (my old roommate Alison's sister-in-law) & the Corrections Officer--Berina (she & I were both judge's clerks). Dressing as a cat seemed natural since I am always covered in cat hair. I think they roll around on all my clothes the second I leave the house.

Hope y'all are doing well. How many will be in Colorado this Christmas? And when?